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Abstract (English):
People do not consume raw mare’s colostrum. However, colostrum powder can be used as a biologically active additive to fortify functional foods. Mare’s colostrum is a unique natural multicomponent and multifunctional product with valuable immunomodulatory and regenerating properties that can be used therapeutically. This research featured optimal technological parameters of freeze-drying in the production of mare’s colostrum powder at a field-to-spoon full-cycle farm that breeds Vyatka horses. Low-pressure freeze-drying affects the quality of colostrum powder and its nutritional profile. No State Standard has been developed for mare’s colostrums so far. In fact, the only currently standardized colostrum in Russia is that of cows. In the absence of normative documents, the research had to rely on Technical Regulations of Customs Union TR CU 033/2013, State Standard GOST R 52975-2008, and Technical Specifications TS 10.51.56-001-0133214532-2021. Domestic sublimators with automatic control proved quite efficient in sublimation and drying of mare’s colostrum. The new technology requires no additional purification stage because mare’s colostrum possesses antimicrobial properties. The resulting colostrum powder appeared to have a remarkably long shelf-life. A further in-depth study is needed to reveal the nutrient composition of mare’s colostrum powder in connection with its immunomodulatory protein complex.

mare’s colostrum, dry colostrum, freeze drying, sensory profile, physico-chemical indicators, functional product
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