Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
Цель : Провести метаанализ перспективных исследований, в которых сравнивается фармакогенетический способ дозирования антидепрессантов и традиционный.

Ключевые слова:
антидепрессанты, фармакогенетика, фармакогеномика, метаанализ, проспективное исследование
Список литературы

1. Greden, JF, Parikh SV, Rothschild AJ, Thase ME, Dunlop BW, DeBattista C. Impact of pharmacogenomics on clinical outcomes in major depressive disorder in the GUIDED trial: a large, patient-and rater-blinded, randomized, controlled study// Journal of psychiatric research. 2019. 59-67.

2. Bradley P, Shiekh M, Mehra V, Vrbicky K, Layle S, Olson MC. Improved efficacy with targeted pharmacogenetic-guided treatment of patients with depression and anxiety: a randomized clinical trial demonstrating clinical utility// Journal of psychiatric research. 2018. 100-107.

3. Hall-Flavin, DK, Winner JG, Allen JD, Carhart JM, Proctor B, Snyder KA. Utility of integrated pharmacogenomic testing to support the treatment of major depressive disorder in a psychiatric outpatient setting// Pharmacogenetics and genomics. 2013. 535-548.

4. Pérez V, Salavert, A, Espadaler, J, Tuson, M, Saiz-Ruiz J, Sáez-Navarro C. Efficacy of prospective pharmacogenetic testing in the treatment of major depressive disorder: results of a randomized, double-blind clinical trial// BMC psychiatry. 2017. 1-13.

5. Singh AB. Improved antidepressant remission in major depression via a pharmacokinetic pathway polygene pharmacogenetic report// Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience. 2015. 150.

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