Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
The priority tasks of the modern times include challenges in assessment of the industrial competitiveness. Today the problem of assessing the competitiveness of regions is the main and the first. When competition for investments, innovations and new technologies between regions increases, the role of their key competitive positions start to go up too. A development of methodological approaches to assessment of territorial competitive positions of a region is a primary focus of the article. Consumer goods and services industries and markets infrastructure of Kemerovo region were selected to be an object of the current study. The results of our earlier works presented three groups of competitive positions to assess competitiveness of a given region: territorial competitive positions of a region (TCP), industrial competitive positions of a region (ICP), territorial and industrial competitive positions of a region (TICP). The object of more detailed research is some positions of the first group. The TCP has been divided into two subgroups: basic TCP (based on geographical location and general resource potential) and controllable TCP (built up by a region proactively in a targeted manner). Today the region market infrastructure becomes one of the most important controllable TCP. It is academic and practical interest to work out assessment methods to evaluate a rate of its development and contribution into economic performance of a region. Market infrastructure was classified by three characteristics: functional and industrial, services markets, hierarchical. To evaluate development rate of consumer goods and services markets infrastructure in Kemerovo region we defined its components and suggested three groups of indicators: absolute and relative, flow data, overall. Sets of additional indicators further determine each of the above groups. Through the detailed analysis, the overall indicators were used to assess Kemerovo region economic structure and how industries and consumer goods and services markets infrastructure contribute to its GRP. We analyzed changes that occurred in economic structure of the region during the last years and presented macroeconomic, aggregated, enlarged model of Kemerovo region. The study generally concludes that there is a need to further strengthening of territorial competitive position in service sector.

Ключевые слова:
competitiveness of a region, market infrastructure, regional economic model, consumer goods production sector, service sector
Список литературы

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