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Abstract (English):
Digital technologies are important in modern society. However, the prospects of e-justice still seem quite controversial. Electronic justice has already entered scientific circulation and is gradually receiving legal formalization. E-justice in practice should be considered as an international project for global digital transformation of politics and law. Following this global trend, Russia has been introducing digital services and legislative changes. Currently, e-justice causes discussions regarding certain aspects of its implementation in court. Doubts are expressed that digital justice will ensure accessibility, not to mention compliance with international and constitutional human and civil rights and judicial proceedings. Unassisted participation of artificial intelligence at all trial stages, including sentencing, is the most controversial issue, including the possibility of making a final decision. E-justice has a risk of replacing a human judge with an electronic one in an electronic simulation of justice, which might destroy the traditional concept of justice as such. Further digital transformation of justice may affect the very foundations of law.

e-justice, digital justice, digital transformation, globalization, e-judge, e-simulation, automation, artificial intelligence
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