Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Honey possesses excellent sensory and nutritional properties, which makes it a valuable food ingredient. However, the same qualities make it one of the most often adulterated products in the world. Constant violations of processing technology threaten the beekeeping industry. In this regard, new authenticity criteria are a popular area of honey studies. The article introduces a method for establishing ratios of light stable isotopes in honey. The study featured 36 samples of honey of various geographical origins and botanical profiles, as well as five samples of sugar syrups from various raw materials. The quantitative profiles were obtained using a Delta Advantage V isotope mass spectrometer (USA – Germany) with additional Flash IRMS and Conflo IV modules. The experiment involved the ratios of stable carbon isotopes in honey δ13C (gross) and nitrogen δ15N in its protein fraction, as well as the values of δ13C, δ18O, and δ2H of ethanol isolated from fermented honey. The values of δ13C (gross) and δ13C of honey proteins made it possible to calculate the amount of added sugar of corn and cane origin. Exogenous sugars in the amounts of 6.5% and 18% cane sugar were detected in two samples. Isotope mass spectrometry was able to identify honey samples with exogenous sugars of C4-plant origin. However, the method failed to detect sugar-containing substances from C3-type plants. The δ18O index demonstrated some prospects as an identification criterion for sugars from C3-plants in honey. Nitrogen isotope ratios in honey proteins proved to be an efficient tool for determining honey authenticity and an additional criterion for identifying bee products. The research resulted in a patent (RU2809285C1) for a new method of determining exogenous sugar-containing substances in honey

Honey, bee products, identification, falsification, isotope mass spectrometry
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