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Abstract (English):
The article describes a study of the labor market of creative industries in the Tomsk Region in order to substantiate its consideration as a key factor in the development of the local creative industries in the region. The authors systematized the existing problems to improve the selection and hiring of creative specialists. They analyzed various terminological approaches of the concepts of creative industries, human capital, and labor market in terminological interrelation. The supply and demand in the labor market of creative demonstrated its importance for the development of creative industries in the Tomsk Region. The analysis also involved quality of education and professional training in the field, which revealed some potential problems related to non-compliance with labor market requirements. Job interviews should include creative tests, and assignments, team work, and information campaigns about career opportunities. As the creative sector keeps growing, studying the current trends in the labor market of creative industries has become important in the context of economic growth and its impact on the regional development. The research opens up new prospects for regional studies in the sphere of creative labor market and possesses practical application.

creative industries, human capital, labor market, creative employment, labor demand, labor supply, hiring
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