Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This research featured norms that provide an opportunity to redistribute matters of local significance from local government bodies to state authorities. The Federal Law on Organization of Local Governance (2014) provides an algorithm for this procedure. However, it has received poor scientific attention, as has the current law enforcement practice in the corresponding category of cases. The present analysis of the regional and court decisions shows that the state authorities tend to act chaotically in exercising their discretionary powers. Reauthorization has received no criteria of expediency and effectiveness so far. The examples from law enforcement practice are not in favor of local government and violate the constitutional principle of trust in the government (Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 75.1). Reauthorization prevents local governments from long-term development strategizing of their municipalities. Both the laws of the subjects of the Russian Federation and the law enforcement practice show that reauthorization in its current form contradicts the constitutional principles of maintaining trust in the government, thus reducing the power of local governments.

reauthorization, empowerment, withdrawal of powers, subjects of competence, issues of local significance, competence of local government, urban planning, territorial development, principle of trust in law
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