Moscow, Russian Federation
Life-long learning is compulsory in the modern teaching community. School teachers need scientific and methodological support for their professional and personal development, especially as part of advanced professional education. A tailored academic program uses various techniques and methods to fill in gaps in one’s professional competencies. The author analyzed the structure of scientific and methodological support for the professional and personal development of schoolteachers based on personalized and personality-oriented approaches, e.g., such methods as supervision, coaching, and mentoring. The article introduces the concept of scientific and methodological support of schoolteachers as an integral system of interrelated actions and areas of work focused on the professional and personal development. Some elements of the scientific and methodological support system were tested at a series of practical webinars with students of a pedagogical university and schoolteachers.
scientific and methodological training and support, professional and personal development of a teacher, individual education program, individual education route, diagnosis of gaps in professional competencies, supervision, mentoring, coaching
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