Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
New devices for measuring the dynamics of rennet coagulation of milk and rheological characteristics of the clot are described. Based on the principle of operation of ball viscometers, devices for measuring the viscosity of the milk mixture and the duration of milk coagulation have been created and patented. A device has been created and patented that measures the position on the scale of a laser beam reflected from the surface of milk, the duration of milk coagulation and the dynamics of changes in its viscosity are estimated by the magnitude of the deviation of the beam positions. A new device has been developed, operating on the principle of a shear meter, which measures the resistance force of the indenter insertion into the sample under study. The device is designed for the analysis of milk clots obtained during the production of semi-hard and hard cheeses. It can also be used to measure the viscosity of sour cream, yogurt, butter and other food products.

milk, rheological properties, cheese, rennet, devices, viscometer, shear meter
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