Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The current state of the world economy is characterized by a growing shortage of energy resources. The decline in industrial production, the redistribution of global flows, the growing uncertainty of the market and the increase in the cost of energy resources require much more attention to the development and improvement of energy saving technologies. The refrigeration industry is the largest consumer of energy both in Russia and around the world as a whole. Ways to optimize low-temperature systems in order to increase their energy efficiency is an important national economic problem. At the same time, increasing energy efficiency implies not only a reduction in electricity consumption, but also the development of technologies for the useful utilization of the condensation heat of refrigeration units. State incentives for the development of refrigeration production should be focused, first of all, on the development of the most advanced technical solutions in the country in terms of hardware for refrigeration systems.

energy efficiency, electricity production, power generation, condensation heat recovery, carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide refrigeration machine
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