employee from 01.01.2004 to 01.01.2023
Kemerovo, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Kemerovo, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Social informatization requires strong information security measures that would allow companies and individuals to protect their data. Courses in information security may solve this problem. However, methods of coding and encryption can be incorporated in the school curriculum as part of Mathematics and Computer Science. This article introduces an original reliable method of encoding to be integrated with the high school course of Mathematics. The authors used geometric methods of representing points in three-dimensional space bounded by a closed parallelepiped and elementary algebraic operations with matrices. The paper proposes flow and k-gram variants of the matrix method of text encoding and their program implementation in the Python programming language. The encoding methods require no special mathematical training, which makes them teachable to 9–11-graders. By mastering these methods, high-school students can increase their personal information security and develop an algorithmic style of thinking, as well as mathematical skills in general. The article contains some extramural tasks that consolidate practical skills of text coding. The academic and methodological materials make it possible to give the methods of coding and encryption while teaching Mathematics, as well as part of academic disciplines related to information security.
encoding, alphabet, text, parallelepiped, matrix, data protection, encryption, k-grams
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