Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Digital transformation provides energy security and environmental safety, as well as sustainable growth and competitiveness. In the oil-and-gas extraction industry, effective digital transformation requires detailed strategizing. In this sphere, the goals of digital transformation include observability, manageability, flexibility, adaptability, platform sales technologies and services, etc. This article introduces an organizational and economic tool for strategizing the digital transformation of oil-and-gas enterprises. The research relied on the theory and methodology of strategizing developed by Professor V.L. Kvint, who approaches strategy as a systemic, multidisciplinary, and multidimensional phenomenon that integrates national, regional, sectoral, and corporate strategies. The study involved standard research methods, e.g., generalization, scientific abstraction, analysis, synthesis, comparison, etc. The author classified theoretical approaches to strategizing in the digital economy and identified its specifics in the oil-and-gas extraction industry. Digital strategizing was tested for threats and opportunities in order to build a structural and logical model of a digital transformation strategy for an oil-and-gas enterprise. The model provides a unity of goals, stages, actions, and results for long-term strategic development. Continuous digital strategizing of business models is a key to success in the oil-and-gas extraction industry.

digital strategizing, digital transformation, digital portfolio, gas industry, platformization
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