Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Tomsk, Russian Federation
he present research featured associations triggered by a stimulus that combines verbal and emblematic elements. The directed psycholinguistic experiment included 200 students of the Kemerovo State University who gave 735 associations to two heterosemiotic stimuli, i.e., the coat of arms of Kemerovo verbally marked as "Kemerovo" and the coat of arms of the Kemerovo region marked as "Kemerovo Region". A coat of arms is a metaphorical emblem that combines iconic signs, symbols, and attributes that designate both concrete and abstract concepts. The study relied on the conceptual and terminological approaches and methods of psycholinguistics, as well as on general scientific methods. The material was obtained using a directed chain psycholinguistic experiment. The obtained associations made it possible to identify the specifics of decoding the visual elements of the heterosemiotic stimulus, namely object, shape, color, and idea. The verbal element of the heterosemiotic stimulus directs the correct decoding of the information encoded in the stimulus. However, a psycholinguistic experiment based on a verbal-emblematic stimulus may lead to a partial blockage in some respondents, who may experience difficulties in generating associative meanings. Further cognitive research based on psycholinguistic experiments with heterosemiotic systems may provide new scientific data on the interaction of perception, representation, and verbal coding of processed information.
emblem, linguistic consciousness, heterosemiotic stimulus, association, cognitive research
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