Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Cross-cultural analysis has firmly taken its place in linguistics, while the novelty of the term is relative: we are dealing with a new definition of what was meant by the concept of ethnolinguistics, linguistics, and cultural studies. In literary studies, cross-cultural analysis is a new term for culturological comparative studies, i.e. an analysis from the point of view of the "dialogue of cultures", which makes it possible to single out the national images of the world. The aim of the present research was to study the cross-cultural component in the works of the national authors of Dagestan who write in Russian. The study featured Russian-language poetic texts created by Dagestan authors and how they reflect the national identity of the author. Cross-cultural analysis relies on the idea about universal cultural patterns. As a result, Dagestan Russian-language literature can be interpreted as a set of national works written in Russian. Literary text as a role model plays a fundamental role in language acquisition. Reading fiction allows language learners to move away from standardized teaching texts and immerse into the "living" language. While studying a foreign work of art, the learner touches upon both linguistics and culture: it provides information about the social and cultural structure of a foreign community. A positive aspect of using literary texts for educational purposes makes it possible to learn more about the culture of the people, since the texts always reflect the language in its historical, social, and cultural context.

national literature, bilingual creativity, cross-cultural analysis, poetry, prose, national writer, educational of Dagestan, pedagogical course, educational process
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