Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
he concept of life-long education and the Federal State Educational Standard for General Education presupposes teaching technologies that form a positive attitude to a safe and healthy lifestyle in teenagers. The cognitive and social tasks that teenagers have to face grow more and more complex, which means that class environment should develop their coping potential and healthy lifestyle habits. The article features a pedagogical model for improving the health-saving and coping potential of adolescents in class. The model includes functional components that consist of organizational and pedagogical conditions aimed at solving learning, developmental, educational, and social tasks in class and during extracurricular activities. Monitoring proved to be the main organizational and pedagogical condition for improving the potential of adolescents in adaptation and healthy lifestyle habits. Monitoring includes three main stages: analytical, technological, and corrective. The research involved traditional and modified criteria of the health-saving and coping potential. The experiment proved the effectiveness of the new model.

organizational and pedagogical conditions, analytical monitoring, technological monitoring, corrective of monitoring, life-long education, health, coping
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