Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers theoretical approaches to understanding coherent speech as a complex process in psychological and pedagogical aspects. The research featured coherent speech in children with normal speech development and its features in preschoolers with the third degree of speech delay, or alalia. The subject of the study was the technology of forming coherent speech in children of preschool age with a general speech delay at an educational institution. The research objective was to identify, theoretically substantiate, and experimentally verify the possibilities of using the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving as a means of coherent speech formation in children of preschool age. The paper describes the qualitative parameters of coherent speech of preschoolers with a general speech delay of the third degree. Coherent speech in senior preschoolers with the third degree alalia demonstrated a variability of violations in speech mastering, i.e. a different ratio of semantic, lexical, and grammatical errors, both at sentence and text level. The paper introduces various technologies of coherent speech formation, including illustration-based storytelling, making up riddles and fairy tales, describing personal experience, ect. The research confirmed the positive impact of the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving on coherent speech formation in senior preschoolers with the third degree alalia.

senior preschoolers, technologies of coherent speech formation, Theory of Inventive Problem Solving technology
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