Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper features the term "lifeworld" coined in 1910 by E. Husserl. The research objective was to describe the ideological content of Husserl's phenomenology, which determined the content and categorical design (type) of phenomenological sociology. E. Husserl introduced a systematic concept of the "lifeworld" and used it as a basis for a branch of social science now referred to as "understanding sociology". In addition, Husserl’s socio-philosophical and epistemological research helped to resolve the "crisis" of science, which he himself discovered, and to recreate the trampled dignity of human subjectivity. The research generalizes and clarifies various scientific views on the criticism of E. Husserl's naturalism and the problem of "lifeworld". Its results can be used in courses of sociology, philosophy, and history.

phenomenological sociology, bourgeois social science, the world of everyday understanding, phenomenon, transcendental reduction, meaning
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