Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The present paper introduces an authentic new-format point-rating system, the nootheca. It is based on the idea of a self-organizing educational process, where the quantitative measurement of the results acts as an incentive for collective and individual self-organization and organizes the educational process. The paper focuses on the components of nootheca, which form an integral didactic system. The system combines design and cumulative principles of classroom management. The author describes the technological aspects of the nootheca against a wider didactic context. This refers to both the theoretical context and the practice of constructing such systems, primarily the options they offer within the point-rating system. The research was not limited to the didactic aspect alone: it also included issues related to the measurement of quality in other areas of intellectual and cultural activity. In some cases, the study touched upon methodology and philosophy of education. As for the latter, the problems discussed are organically included in the general antinomies, e.g. quality vs. quantity as philosophical categories; part vs. whole; single / special vs. universal, etc. The specific didactic antinomies include the following antinomies: personality-oriented vs. team-oriented learning, knowledge-centered approach vs. skill-centered approach, etc. The antinomies form specific oppositions that are directly related to the topic of nootheca: online vs. offline classes, horizontal vs. vertical peer review, individual vs. group motivation, etc.

self-organization of the educational process, the Bell-Lancaster system, personal trajectory, didactic perlocution, horizontal peer review, synergetic microdots
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