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Abstract (English):
The paper features the phenomenon of business presentation as an indispensable tool that can allow foreign trade companies to enter the foreign market. Each stage of this technological process requires a business presentation for every format of interaction with a potential foreign partner. A well-made presentation of a company, product, service, or project facilitates the search and retention of a prospective partner. It is a go-to tool used on various interaction platforms, e.g. fairs, exhibitions, business missions, conferences, business meetings, negotiations, etc. The paper defines the basic types of business presentations: company presentation, product/service, business project presentation, and commercial offer presentation. The article presents the key aspects of preparing for an effective business presentation aimed at foreign companies. When preparing a presentation for a business event, one has to plan in advance how the main elements will constitute the presentation as a whole. The "presentation field" consists of the space (external and internal environment) and the "main actors" involved in the presentation of goods or services. The prospect of further cooperation with foreign companies depends on how the Russian company analyses the ability to attract potential partners, prepares for the event, and selects the format of presentation.

foreign trade company, presentation of commercial offer, business presentation format, presentation field, the  effectiveness of the presentation
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