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Abstract (English):
The priority goal of most companies in the process of formation of financial data on the availability and movement of accounts receivable is to reduce its time with no loss of quality. The goal can be achieved by the optimization of business processes. One of its directions can be electronic document management. The introduction of electronic document management will significantly reduce the processing of contracts, while ensuring acceptable completeness and reliability of information. An automatically generated daily report makes it possible to control receivables and respond to overdue debts. The article considers the process of implementation of the electronic document management system and emphasizes the effectiveness and feasibility of its use in the preparation of information on debtors accounts. One of the key circumstances is that after successful completion of all stages of automation, the implemented system should be constantly refined and improved. This is a major factor in the successful use of electronic document management for receivables management.

business process, control, accounting Department, electronic archive, business communications
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