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Abstract (English):
The paper features the conditions for the reforming of law enforcement bodies and implementation of the new legislation in the sphere of Internal Affairs. The reforms need a correlation of legal responsibility, legality, and legal status of officials of Internal Affairs. The authors examine the legal liability of Internal Affairs officials as a key element of their legal status, work specifics, and the special nature of official relationships. The author identifies some features of bringing these officials to the various types of liability and concludes that the active implementation of the legislative right to bring recourse actions against Ministry employees leads to their inaction and unwillingness to perform official duties and continue serving in the Internal Affairs. The legitimacy determines the legality of the individual behavior of the officials. It has a significant influence on the formation of the legal status of an employee of the Internal Affairs and exerts a preventive effect on their responsibility. The author offers her own definition of the legal status of the employee of the Internal Affairs.

civil liability, police officer, legal status, positive legal responsibility
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