Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with issues related to the regulatory and legal regulation of the grounds and procedures for involving prison population in labor, with a view to identifying practical and theoretical problems, as well as making suggestions for their elimination. To achieve this goal, the author uses general scientific and specific scientific methods, as well as the principles and postulates of the dialectical method of cognition. The results of the present research can be used as a methodological material in the study of criminal, criminally-executive, and labor law in educational institutions of various kinds. The results create a theoretical basis for improving national legislation and law enforcement practice. The author has identified the following problems: a lack of educational impact in the work as a means of correction; the illegitimacy of the fact that convicts are not subject of labor law; a lack of incentives for convicts during their vacation time the correctional facility; the unresolved issues of concluding and terminating an employment contract with convicts, as well as the lack of a differentiated approach to convicts involved in unpaid work.

convicts, work, work agreement, means of correction, socially useful work
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