Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article defines the stages of the formation of women's pedagogical education from its origins to the creation of pedagogical classes at girls’ high schools. The author sees the classes as a phenomenon of the emerging educational system and a special feature of Russian education of the period. The study features prominent Russian teachers in the field of female pedagogical education and their contribution to the creation of pedagogical classes. The author focuses on the specifics of the teaching process in the pedagogical classes and describes them as a system of professional and creative development of future teachers. The article specifies the components of this system. In conclusion, the author points out the significance of the pedagogical classes in the interpretation of their contemporaries and defines the role the pedagogical classes played in the development of women's pedagogical education and primary school, being the starting point of the musical pedagogy in comprehensive school. The materials of the article can be used in the course of History of Pedagogy and Education and in further research on the history of women's education.

female pedagogical education, pedagogical classes, phenomenon, specificity of the educational process, professional and creative development, value
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