The paper reflects the practice of a target-oriented approach to the informatization of the ociety in Kemerovo region. The author considers world experience and effect of realization of a target-oriented approach to the informatization of the Russian society on the whole. Particular attention is paid to the government program “Informational society of Kuzbass”, 2014-2017. The paper analyzes a method of evaluation of the program. The author studies the current performance of its realization. Positive and negative aspects of the practice of a target-oriented approach to the informatization of the society constitute the research result. Besides, negative aspects are considered as areas for further improvement of the process. They include methodological and practical aspects of target-oriented approach to the informatization of the society and evaluation of its effectiveness.
programmno-celevoy podhod, celevye programmy, ocenka effektivnosti, informatizaciya obschestva, elektronnoe pravitel'stvo, Kemerovskaya oblast', target-oriented approach, targeted programs, performance evaluation, information society, e-government, Kemerovo region