Kemerovo, Russian Federation
The article discusses the epistemic potential of the categories of "the-odicy", "cosmodicea" and "anthropedicea". The authors consider the definitions of these terms in the history of thought. Based on the philosophy of all-unity, the article discusses the genetic relationship of God, world and man. If God, world and man are ontical unity, theodicy, cosmodicea and anthropedicea episteme merge into unity. The problem of "justification" of God is solved through the "justification" of His creations. "Justification" of the world is in its ability to evolve and improve, creating new worlds, life and superlife (mind), thus becoming a world of God. "Justification" of man is that he is able to overcome, to surpass himself, striving to corposana and the superbeing, becoming a God-man. Transformation of the world by God happens through the transformation of man. "Justification" of the world and man is in that they, despite everything, belong to God. "Justification" of God is in the divine aspiration of His creations.
theodicy, cosmedicea, anthropedicea, God, world, man, the genetic, the ontical, episteme, unity, creation, becoming the God-man